Monday, March 18, 2013

Quote of the Day

It's so hard to pick just one, so here are two quotes from the Outlander series on this dreary Monday:

He took both my hands in his, then, and kissed them---the left, which still bore the gold ring of my marriage to Frank, and then the right, with his own silver ring.
      "Da mi basia mille," he whispered, smiling. Give me a thousand kisses. It was the inscription inside my ring, a brief quotation from a love song by Catullus. I bent and gave him one back. "Dien mille altera," I said. Then a thousand more.
Drums of Autumn,Chapter 9: Two Thirds of a Ghost

"I love you, a nighean donn. I have loved ye from the moment I saw ye, I will love ye 'til time itself is done, and so long as you are by my side, I am well pleased wi' the world."
The Fiery Cross Chapter 99: Brother

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