Friday, April 20, 2012

Coffee and Conversation

So, I've noticed a lot of traffic on the blog checking out my review of Fifty Shades of Grey and against my better judgement, this week I picked up the next book in the trilogy Fifty Shades Darker. I      had to put it down around page fifty because I was already shaking my head and yelling at the characters. Oh and when Christian utters this gem: "I'll see you shortly. Sooners rather than laters, baby." I could not stop myself from laughing out loud, so much so that tears were running down my cheeks. I'm still laughing as I type.

I have picked it up and started reading again but it's not getting any better. I already have two paragraphs of review written from the first hundred pages though and I'm on the lookout for more priceless gems like the one above.

Stay tuned for more vomit or laugh worthy updates.


  1. Ok so I have heard a lot of hype about this book and after I read your post above I had to read your other post about the first book. I have a feeling that you and I will have similar opinions and loved your review of it. It sounds like one of those books that I may have to buy just because I dont want to throw a library book across the room in frustration.

  2. You will have to let me know what you think when you read it. I know I'm in the minority with my opinion but it's just that bad.
